Our Inspiration


In 1990, Laura Evans ended her 7th week in isolation during a bone marrow transplant to fight Stage III breast cancer. During her isolation, she dreamed of combining her two passions: mountain climbing and finding a cure for breast cancer. She imagined a team of breast cancer survivors and their supporters overcoming the challenges of mountain climbing together to bring awareness and financial support to finding a cure for breast cancer. It would be a visible tribute to the courage of breast cancer survivors everywhere. To Laura, there was no more appropriate parallel between summiting one of the world's tallest peaks and fighting breast cancer.

After recovery, Laura's dreams turned to action as she founded Expedition Inspiration Fund for Breast Cancer Research in 1995 with Peter Whittaker. Laura set out to climb Argentina's Mt. Aconcagua. At 22,841 feet, Mt. Aconcagua is the highest peak in the Western Hemisphere. In February 1995, Laura and Peter Whittaker, premier international mountain guide and founder of Summits Adventure Travel, led a team of 17 breast cancer survivors to Aconcagua's summit. They raised awareness, research funds and hope for the breast cancer cause.

From this initial effort, Expedition Inspiration has continued its mission to find breast cancer cures in our lifetime with hikes, climbs, an Annual Symposium, Young Investigator Awards and other fundraising events. 


Our Goal

To Fund Breast Cancer Cures in Our Lifetime


One in eight women continue to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Expedition Inspiration is striving to find new cures and prevention strategies in the fight against breast cancer so the people we love won't suffer from the disease.

Mission Statement

To raise funds for cutting edge research and an annual medical symposium through a variety of outdoor and other special events, to raise awareness and public support, to promote physical and mental well-being of breast cancer survivors and their families. 

Expedition Inspiration seeks to find cures in our lifetime by raising funds to:

Reach new heights in breast cancer research by bringing together leaders in the field at an Annual Symposium

Sponsor Young Investigator Award grants to the best and brightest researchers

Encourage easy to challenging physical activities by hiking and climbing

Increase breast cancer awareness with our message and breast cancer research news

A Cure in Our Lifetime

Expedition Inspiration is fighting to find a cure for breast cancer in our lifetime so that we can save our daughters, mothers, brothers, sisters and all those we love from the disease. Period.